Heron Celtic Motif
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Heron Celtic Motif

I love Herons and I wanted to create a Celtic motif that I could use someday in a book or a painting.
I design these motifs and keep a collection of them.
From beggining to end the whole project took about 36 hours to complete.

Heron Celtic Motif – Pencil Preliminary Drawing

I sketch up an idea I had for a new Celtic border.
I use a blue Prismacolor pencil drawing on German made tracing paper.
I draw and erase until I have something I can work with.

Heron Celtic Motif – Pen & Ink

I redraw using waterproof pigmented ink and a steel nibbed pen. 

Heron Celtic Motif – Acrylic

I paint using Acrylic and inks building up the colour in layers. In the final stages I apply details using slightly thicker acrylic paint and finish with a little coloured pencil.