Poppy Nouveau Drawing
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Poppy Art Nouveau Drawing.

This was a commission for a fully illustrated book that was to be based in the fantasy realm.
They asked me how I would illustrate it and I reccomended using a “Quasi – Celtic ” style and I suggested
using organic art nouveau themes crossed with Celtic art and they said that was perfect.

I wanted to do something different from the standard fantasy look.
The book was to be a spinoff from a well known tv series that has dragons in it.
I produced two drawings and then a cease and desist court order on the publishing company halted the production of the book.
The matter is ongoing and hopefully will be resolved one day and the book will be completed.

Poppy Nouveau Sketch Drawing

This is the first preliminary drawing.
I always start by drawing a line  border
and striking the centre of the image.
I always draw the preliminaries on high quality German made tracing paper and I use a mechanical pencil 0.5 and 0.7 in diameter
with a soft 2B lead.
I like how I can erase easily with a putty rubber and smooth things out with my fingers on the tracing paper.

Poppy Nouveau Final Drawing

It took about thirty hours to complete this drawing. I deliberatly drew it off centre with no two areas being the same –
breaking the standard rules of Celtic art where mirror symetry is the standard way of creating an image.